
Continue to Courses

What I need to do … By Date …
1. Have immunizations signed off by nurse and record sent/given
to Janet Fuller.
MUST be completed within 10 days
2. Complete HIPAA Online training.
in using email address.(Please use CHROME)
MUST be completed in first 15 days
3. Complete Security Awareness Essentials Challenge and other security training at:

(Please use CHROME)

Please use email address access.

In first couple of weeks
4. Register with FEMA first to get your Student Identification Number (SID) and complete IS-100 &
IS-700 training. Send Certificates of Completion to Janet Fuller. *additional courses for
In first 30 days
5. Put DPH-Alert phone number into your phone (314-615-1604); know what to do when “DPH-Alert” calls. In first week
6. Go to “Staff Directory” on the intranet. Look yourself up. Check for correct information and send
any corrections/updates to Sarah at [email protected]
7. Explore the County intranet and DPH SharePoint ongoing
8. *FEMA class required for supervisors: IS-200

Additional Requirements